The Electron Positron Lattice: A Physics Theory

March 17, 2024

Last updated: March 17, 2024

Electron-positron lattice unit.

Today, I am excited to share with you a fascinating new perspective in the realm of physics. Recently, I had the pleasure of delving into the Electron-Positron model for space, a concept that has sparked my curiosity and challenged my understanding of fundamental forces and constants of nature.

The Electron-Positron model, proposed by M. Simhony, offers a fresh interpretation of the medium of light. According to this model, light waves propagate through an elastic crystal lattice structure composed of electrons and positrons. This seemingly simple assumption leads to profound implications, as it provides explanations for various phenomena such as the electrostatic force, gravity, and even Planck's constant.

I was particularly drawn to this model due to its alignment with my philosophy of reimagining fundamental physics to explain current constants. It offers a unique perspective that encourages us to question established theories and explore new avenues of understanding.

One of the most exciting aspects of this model is its potential for further exploration and development. But, recognizing that the accessibility of this theory was not yet on point, I took the initiative to make the work more approachable. As a result, I created an online web version of M. Simhony's book titled "The Electron Positron Lattice Space", which can be accessed at

Additionally, I am interested in exploring the derivation of the magnetic force within this framework. Although the current version of the theory offers explanations for various phenomena, it lacks a good explanation for the magnetic force. Other researchers, like R F Norgan from, have investigated potential derivations of the magnetic force from basic assumptions. This avenue of research shows promise for expanding our understanding of fundamental forces. I hope to spend some more time on this in the future.

While the Electron-Positron model may not be without its criticisms, I firmly believe that its core principles are worth exploring further. It offers a fresh perspective that challenges conventional wisdom and opens doors to new possibilities in physics.